Aerial Yoga and It's Benefits

Aerial yoga for kids

We have told you about the multiple varieties of yoga that you have at your fingertips, depending on your needs, tastes and preferences. But maybe you had never considered doing yoga suspended in the air. It is known as aerial yoga. When you see the images of the practice of this discipline, you may be somewhat hesitant, with a point even of vertigo. But rest assured, this form of yoga is exciting, modern and helpful for personal development.

Also, this form of exercise is not just for adults, but for kids too, although there is not so much published on aerial yoga for kids, which is a shame.

For this reason, the first question that we wanted to ask Katia Muñoz Olmo, an expert at Royal Hideaway Sancti Petri, is how she would encourage a person who does not know the discipline to practice Aerial yoga. “Aerial yoga enhances creativity, unblocking and encourages personal development.

It helps us evolve and grow spiritually. You feel like the body flies and it is a wonderful sensation. I recommend it to everyone”, she tells us. A good starting point to encourage us to discover this exciting discipline, which combines the practice of yoga with acrobatic movements, Pilates and dance, and is performed with the body suspended in the air by means of a fabric ‘swing’.

Do you have to have a certain physical capacity to do it?

Another thing that has perhaps crossed your mind is whether you have to have some preparation to embark on this discipline in which your body is not on the ground, but on some fabrics that form a swing, and from which you help yourself to perform the poses.

In the opinion of the expert, it is advisable to have previously practiced yoga. “Some strength and coordination are needed, but aerial yoga is designed so that anyone can do it, since it can be adapted to the physical state and it also has different levels, in which you advance little by little”, says the instructor.

Does it have advantages over other techniques?

It is also interesting to know if the practice of aerial yoga has advantages over the more traditional yoga practices, those that are performed on the ground. As Katia Muñoz Olmo explains, “doing the inverted aero yoga postures improves the circulatory system and manages to transport a greater amount of blood to the head, which helps to clear the mind and positively oxygenate the body.” The experts consider that it represents a step forward with respect to the classic method because it allows carrying out positions that on the ground would be unfeasible and impossible to carry out.

What benefits does it have for our health, both mental and physical?

  • Helps deal with fears and phobias.
  • Improves concentration and fights attention deficit.
  • It acts as an emotional relaxant.
  • Increase creativity.
  • Fight stress.
  • Defines the muscles.
  • Improves circulation.
  • And you gain in agility and flexibility.

In addition, this practice helps to burn calories, reduce weight and work the abdomen, but it also helps to eliminate back pain, stretches the spine, decompresses the vertebrae, tones the muscles and helps define the silhouette, because, as we said, the body gains flexibility.

Recommended for everyone?

Due to its specific characteristics, we wonder if aerial yoga is recommended for everyone or if there are people who should avoid it because it is contraindicated in some situations. “It is designed so that it can be done by practically anyone. It is not necessary to hang 100% without support on the floor during the entire class, the postures can be adjusted. In addition, there are different types of levels and it can be adapted to the physical state”, he tells us.

Thus, the expert tells us that aerial yoga has three levels of intensity, to be available to all people.

  • Level 0: Restorative aerial yoga, suitable for all people. From elderly people with bone problems or poor mobility to people with an injury and who have to be rehabilitated, pregnant women… The objective is to be able to perform varied exercises thanks to the help of the swing, which in this case serves as support.
  • Level 1: different postures in contact with the ground.
  • Level 2: acrobatic aerial yoga. It is the most demanding, the body is in the air or in inversion most of the class

What is an aerial yoga class like?

The expert tells us that one of the aerial yoga classes she teaches lasts 60 minutes, in which breathing, emotions, creativity… both physical and mental aspects are enhanced. “Once the height of the fabrics is regulated, we would be ready to start the class. We would start with a warm-up, then we would do strength exercises combined with stretching, inverted postures, swings and somersaults. It ends with some relaxation exercises inside the fabric in a hammock position”, she concludes.

Tristram Shandy