The Different Types of Persian Rugs

Different Types of Persian Rugs

The Persian rug is a rug rooted in the history of Iran. For centuries, the rug has been an essential part of Iranian art and culture. However, as it is probably the most iconic rug in the world, many people are unaware that there are many different styles and designs of Persian rugs, each with its own individual history and in some cases weaving and knotting techniques. In this post I am going to give a brief history of the design of some of these rugs.

As you may already know, Persian rugs of various types are made of woven by nomadic tribes, towns, and cities throughout Iran. Thus, the rugs from their respective places of origin have come to reflect the culture of the people through their various designs and patterns.

But did you know that the Persian rug designs have also evolved? Now you can find in the market a number of different kinds of Persian rugs and among them are what are known as Modern Persian rugs, which come with a modern touch and will provide your home with a great combination of the antique and modern.

Let’s see below some of the main Persian rugs and their origin.

Baluchi Persian Rug

Persian Baluchi rugs are rugs originally made by the Baloch nomads who live near the border between Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The rugs are sold in the city of Mashhad in Iran.

The Baluchi rug can be characterized and identified by its unique and vivid designs that usually feature dominant colors such as red, brown and dark blue. The warp is made of wool and the rug is hand-knotted to this day.

Tabriz Persian Rug

The Tabriz rug is hand-knotted in the city of Tabriz in northwestern Iran. It is one of the oldest carpet weaving centers in the world and is famous throughout Iran.

The rug has one of the most diverse designs ranging from pictorial rugs, medallions, and even 3D shaped rugs. It is also known as one of the finest knotted rugs in the world, as its range of knots can go up to 110 raj (this is the number of knots per 7 cm of rug width).

Keshan Persian Rug

Keshan is a moderate-sized city located between Isfahan and Tehran, very close to the edge of the Dasht-e-Kavir desert. For centuries, the city was an important trading center located on the Silk Road.

Keshan rugs are handmade in and around the city. The rug is known for its high knot density with the Persian knot, while the warp and weft are cotton and the pile is high quality wool. The rug is distinguished by its strikingly designed medallions, trees and figurative motifs, usually done in dominant colors such as blue, red and beige.

The famous Ardebil rug is a Keshan rug believed to have been made in the 16th century. It can still be seen in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.

Keshan rugs continue to have the same reputation for being well made and beautifully designed rugs.

Tristram Shandy